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Zoology  Homeschooling Collection (Paperback)

Zoology Homeschooling Collection (Paperback)

Animal lovers, aspiring zoologists, and future farmers can tap into their interests and cover basic school subjects. Students will document animal viewing at the Zoo, birdwatch like a pro, and find out what happens when a pig goes from a factory to a farm.


Cover science, spelling, writing, reading, art, grammar, and research with this bundle.


Add in your selected history and math materials for a complete curriculum. This bundle will last an entire school year with the suggested lesson plan below. Or use at your own pace and it can last for years to come!


Lessons are easy to plan and prepare. Students can work independently, in a small group, or as a class. Just add library books, podcasts, videos, and art supplies.


These can be used by a wide range of ages by selecting age-appropriate study materials. Then document your learning in these guided journals.


An entire school year of interest-based Delight Directed learning is ready to go for your animal lover.




Pignapped: From Factory Farm to Family Farm: This is an educational and funny story about a pig that transitions from a factory farm to a family farm, written by a fifth-generation farmer. Students will learn farming terms, science, language arts, drawing, and research skills.


Grammar Time- Endangered Animals: Teach 310 verbs & adjectives. This little workbook will help students learn about endangered animals while teaching spelling and grammar. Students will also learn about the habitats and diets of the animals.


Endangered, Extinct & Legendary Animals: Students will research over two dozen animals and will learn facts, folklore, and engage in creative thinking about each one. Spelling, art, geography, writing, and more are included as part of the study.


Animal Lover’s Fun-Schooling Journal: Homeschooling Curriculum Handbook. Students will work through animal mazes, research 30 different animals, draw nature, and color beautiful pictures.


Bird Watching Journal: You will research, observe and study the birds that you happen to see while you are out bird watching. Find out the name of each bird in your area and learn everything you can about it!


Zoo Field Trip Journal: Science and research for creative and active students. A Fun-Schooling Research Journal that you can take with you to the zoo!


Suggested Lesson Plans


For all options- We suggest students complete the same number of pages per day as their age.


An 8-year-old would work on 8 pages/day, a 17-year-old would work on 17 pages/day.


Option 1- Use Animal Lover’s daily for half the total pages. Then use a different journal per day for your total page count.


An eight-year old’s week might look like this:

  • M- 4 pages in Animal Lover’s, 4 pages in Pignapped
  • T- 4 pages in Animal Lover’s, 4 pages in Grammar Time
  • W- 4 Pages in Animal Lover’s, 4 pages in Endangered, Extinct & Legendary Animals
  • Th- 8 pages of their choosing
  • F- Field trip to the Zoo or a bird-watching day


Option 2-Use one journal at a time. Each journal will last 6-12 weeks depending on the age of your child.


Option 3-Use Animal Lover’s, Pignaped, and Bird Watching for the first semester.Use Grammar Time, Zoo Field Trip, and Endangered, Extinct & Legendary Animals for the second semester.

You can use one journal per day, all journals each day, or mix it up!


Our materials are flexible. There’s no wrong way to use them!

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