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Kindergarten Dyslexic/ADHD Curriculum Bundle (Ages 4-6)

Kindergarten Dyslexic/ADHD Curriculum Bundle (Ages 4-6)


Designed for early learners who have signs of dyslexia or ADHD.  Students will cover the basics in a fun and non-threatening approach.  These journals are perfect for students who may be reluctant to learn and are a great way to help ease children into school.  We’ve included our Dyslexia Games curriculum program as a therapeutic intervention for dyslexic and struggling learners.  


Lessons are easy to plan and prepare.  Each day students will complete different learning activities within these journals.  They can work independently, in a small group, or as a full class. Our journals are easy to adapt to the individual needs of each student as well.  An entire school year of creative and interactive learning ready to go for your classroom.

Students with ASD, ADHD, and Processing Disorders may also benefit from this bundle. 




  • Beginners Do-It-Myself Journal: A beginner’s journal full of 100 educational and fun activities. Document learning in colors, numbers, letters, feelings, early reading & writing, and more.


  • The Littlest Kindergarten Workbook: Over 100 pages of do-it-yourself beginner learning in a size perfect for little hands. Covers everything from letters, numbers, weather, shapes, colors, poetry, animals, and handwriting, to problem-solving and more.


  • Ages 3 to 6 - Alphabet Fun-Schooling Journal: Activities to help young children learn how to write letters and understand each sound. Students will color, write, and draw as they learn their letters.  


  • My First Fun-Schooling Math Workbook: The perfect introduction to mathematics for young students.  The adorable illustrations, creative learning games, and fun activities keep children interested and curious. Covers number writing, math stories, shapes, days of the week, and more. 


  • Kitty Doodle Math: A beginner math book for students who love kitty cats! Introduces children to reading and writing numbers up to nine, counting, art, and more. The journal has a fun cat theme with cats to draw and color, as well as photos of cats.


  • Brain Games Mazes & Coloring Pages-Minecraft: Packed with logic games, mazes, comic activities, famous landmarks, and Minecraft coloring pages, this book was specifically designed to boost creativity and problem-solving skills. It’s a wordless book, making it perfect for new or struggling readers.


  • Dyslexia Games-Series A:   Our groundbreaking dyslexia curriculum. Dyslexia Games develops basic reading skills, corrects reading confusion, and eliminates letter and number reversals. Perfect for 5-8 year olds who: 

    • Struggle with K-1 level reading. 

    • Reverse or confuse letters and numbers. 

    • Need to learn basic reading and spelling skills. 

    • Have messy handwriting. 

    • Have trouble paying attention to details. 

    • Have symptoms of ADHD, dyslexia, or ASD.  

    • Can't remember right and left. 

    • Do not respond well to normal phonics lessons.

  • Suggested Lesson Plan

    Below is a suggested schedule for your classroom or homeschool. The page amounts listed under each title are the suggested number of pages to complete each day.  We know each day will vary and some days you might get through more and others less. It’s meant to give flexibility while still completing the journal in an entire semester or school year. This is based on a typical 180-day/ 36-week long school year.  Adjust as needed if your school, or family, follows a different schedule.   We’ve also included a few tips and notes when needed.


    Core journals- Students can complete their core journals daily either in the morning to open the day or have a “core journal” time in the afternoon.  These can be completed in small groups or students who can read and work well independently can work alone.

    • Beginners Do It Myself Journal
      • Complete first semester
      • 2-3 pages per day
    • The Littlest Kindergarten Workbook
      • Complete second semester
      • 2-3 pages per day

    Language Arts- Complete daily

    • Ages 3 to 6 - Alphabet Fun-Schooling Journal
      • 1-3 pages per day

    Math- Complete daily

    • My First Fun-Schooling Math Workbook
      • 2 pages per day
    • Kitty Doodle Math
      • 2 pages per day
    • Brain Games Mazes & Coloring Pages- Minecraft
      • Use as a “brain break” as needed

    Dyslexia Therapy- Complete daily

    • Dyslexia Games Series A
      • 2-3 pages per day as the first thing they do in the morning.  Start with book 1
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