We’re Following the Leader - Journals for Follower Lear
We’re Following the Leader - Journals for Follower Learners
When cooking, does your student follow a recipe strictly? Do they closely follow instructions for building kits and projects? Is your student eager for instructions, clear directions, and being told exactly what to do and how to do it? Is getting them to think outside the box of “right” vs. “wrong” a challenge? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are raising what we call a Follower Learner.
Follower Learners thrive in a more typical “school” setting with clear expectations, directions, and schedules. While these students can often be adaptable and go with the flow, they do not prefer learning this way. They are planners who like to know what is expected of them and when it needs to be completed.
We have compiled this bundle of the most popular journals for Follower Learners. They clearly outline the student's expectations while covering core school subjects.
The Bundle Includes-
● Adventures Around the World
● American History Timeline
● All About Rainforests
● Garden Research Handbook
● Rocks & Minerals
● Top 30 Grammar Mistakes
● Transportation History
Adventures Around the World- Give your student the chance to study over 20 countries around the globe. Each country clearly outlines what your student needs to research and what country to research for.
The American History Timeline is unlike any other journal we’ve created. It combines provided information with a pre-made timeline with specific research prompts. Your student will research people, events, and landmarks throughout American History.
All About Rainforests: Students will research the plants and animals of the rainforest in this fun journal, which includes detailed instructions, projects, and activities!
Garden Research- One of the most in-depth journals we’ve ever written in terms of specific directions and instructions. Students will learn about every step, from preparing the toil to harvest time. Access to a garden is not required but would help with hands-on learning.
Rocks & Minerals- This covers basic school subjects with a fun focus on Rocks & Minerals worldwide. It provides your Follower Learners with some flexibility in their learning while providing plenty of prompts and directions.
Top 30 Grammar Mistakes- Follower Learners love this journal. It tells you exactly what to do for proper grammar and for filling out the journal pages. While most often used in Middle and High School, this journal can used by younger kids alongside someone else to lay a strong foundation for Grammar and writing.
Transportation History is a massive journal- over 300 pages- covering how humans have used transportation over the years! Students will research, create art, write, and more.
*Substitutions welcome- Does your child need a different level of Grammar? Do you already own one or two of these journals?
You can substitute one or two journals if needed. Place your order and immediately e-mail us your order number, the journal(s) you want to remove, and the journal(s) you wish to substitute. The value of the substituted journals must be equal to or less than the value of the removed journals.
Suggested Lesson Plans
We suggest students complete the same number of pages per day as their age. For example, an 8-year-old would work on eight pages daily, and a 14-year-old would work on 14. One page is a single side of the paper.
Option 1-
○ First Semester: Rocks & Minerals
○ Second Semester: All About Rainforests
○ Year Round-
-Transportation History- 9-12 pages a week
-Top 30 Grammar Mistakes- 1 Mistake /week
-Garden Research Handbook- 1 section/week
-American History Timeline: At your own pace alongside your American History curriculum or 5-7 pages/week.
-Adventures Around the World: One Adventure per week
An eight-year-old’s first semester might look like this:
○ M- 4 pages Rocks & Minerals, 1 page Transportation History, 2 pages Garden, 1 page Grammar
○ T- 4 pages Rocks & Minerals, 1 page Adventures Around the World, 2 pages Timeline, 2 pages Garden
○ W- 4 pages Transportation History, 1 page Grammar, 3 pages Adventures
○ Th- 4 pages Transportation History, 1 page Timeline, 1 page Garden, 2 pages free choice
○ F- 8 pages of their choice/ anything uncompleted earlier in the week
Option 2: Use one journal at a time. Each journal will last 6-12 weeks, depending on your child's age.
Our materials are flexible. There’s no wrong way to use them!