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Faith Filled Family Homeschooling Collection (Paperback)

Faith Filled Family Homeschooling Collection (Paperback)

Christian families can grow in faith together- from the youngest to parents. Families will study Biblical character traits, learn verses together, enjoy fun Bible-based games and activities, and much more.


Students can use these materials as their primary school materials or families can use them for faith formation. This bundle can last an entire school year with the suggested lesson plans below. Or use at your own pace and it can last for years to come! Lessons are easy to plan and prepare. Students can work independently, in a small group, or as a class. Just add library books, podcasts, videos, and art supplies. These can be used by a wide range of ages by selecting age-appropriate study materials. Then document your learning in these guided journals. An entire school year of interest-based Delight Directed learning is ready to go for your Christian household.




Dad Time Homeschooling - 365 Activities to do with Creative Kids: Study 20 Interesting and Relevant Topics with Your Children for Christian Families


Flip to Fun-Schooling: This is a fun-filled, yet relaxing book of ideas, homeschooling inspiration, and coloring pages designed to bless homeschooling moms. There are many quiet-time pages, organizing pages, thinking pages, and fun-school basket making activities.


Fox’s 1st Fun-Schooling Workbook: Read & Write 24 Bible Verses.


Biblical Virtues & Values - Do-It-Yourself - Character Development Journal: Study 50 Characteristics


100 Easy Bible Verses: This is a workbook that includes 100 easy reading and spelling lessons based on simple verses from the Bible.


Bible Time Kids - A Quiet-Time Handbook for Creative & Active Children: Devotional Journal and Coloring Book


Bible Time Adventures: While we read stories, create comics, play games and solve puzzles we will learn to follow Jesus and trust in Him. These thirty Bible Time Adventures show us how we can build great lives on the firm foundation of God’s love for us as we grow in character and faith.


Suggested Lesson Plans


For all options- We suggest students complete the same number of pages per day as their age. An 8-year-old would work on 8 pages/day, a 17-year-old would work on 17 pages/day. Note- Flip to Fun-Schooling is for parents and is not included in this lesson plan.


Option 1- Dad Time core journal daily for half the total pages. Then use a different journal per day for your total page count. Students under 7 should use Fox’s 1st Fun-Schooling Workbook and older students should use 100 Easy Bible Verses


An eight-year old’s week might look like this:

  • M- 4 pages in Dad Time, 1 page 100 Easy Bible Verses, 1 page in Bible Time Adventure’s, 2 pages from your chosen math journal
  • T- 4 pages in Dad Time, 1 page 100 Easy Bible Verses, 2 pages Character Development, 2 pages from your chosen history journal
  • W- 4 pages in Dad Time, 1 page 100 Easy Bible Verses, 2 pages in Bible Time, 2 pages from your chosen science journal
  • Th- 4 pages in Dad Time, 1 page 100 Easy Bible Verses, 1 page in Bible Time Adventure’s, 2 pages from your chosen math journal
  • F- 8 pages of their choice


Option 2- Use one journal at a time. Each journal will last 6-12 weeks depending on the age of your child.


Option 3- 1 page of 100 Easy Bible Verses per day for kids 8+, or 1 page per day in Fox’s 1st Fun-Schooling workbook per day for younger kids1 or 2 sections from Character Development per week (there are 50 total so for a 36-week school year you’d need to do 2 lessons some weeks)1 Bible Time Adventure section per weekHalf of Dad Time first semester and the rest second semester Bible Time Kids Devotional as desired


Our materials are flexible. There’s no wrong way to use them!

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