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Do-It-Together - Fun-Schooling Bundle

Do-It-Together - Fun-Schooling Bundle



“Read to me!” “Let’s play another game.” “Will you please do this with me?” If these are common statements from your child, you have what we call a Friend learner. Homeschooling social kids who love to work with others can be so fun!

Friend learners like a lot of connection. They usually like to chat, learn about people, and struggle when they’re asked to work alone. We’ve curated this bundle to help your Friend learner thrive. It allows you to cover all the standard school subjects while giving them lots of chances for togetherness.


This bundle contains-

● Bird Watching Journal

● Book of State Birds

● Comfort & Joy Brain Games

● Math Mysteries

● Smoothie Time

● Thirty Creative Fun-Schooling Projects: Co-Op

● World Tour


● Bird Watching Journal: Friend learners love to connect through shared experiences. Bird watching is a favorite activity for spending time together and enjoying nature.

● Book of State Birds- Learn about the birds of each state and then go out to find them. Combines perfectly with the Bird Watching Journal.

● Comfort & Joy Brain Games- Filled with all things cozy, connection, and togetherness. An ideal way to refocus and stretch the brain.

● Math Mysteries*- Covers addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division in a fun and creative way. Your friend learners will love it if you create problems for them to solve or work on this journal with them.

● Smoothie Time- Cooking together is a special way to connect and learn together. Teaches smoothie-making basics, home economics, math, geography, nutrition, and more.

● Thirty Creative Fun-Schooling Projects: Co-Op- A guide to planning 30 activities with a co-op, friends, family, or homeschool group.

● World Tour-Friend learners love to learn about other places, people, and cultures. This journal gives them a chance to tap into this interest in a fun way. It’s set up in alphabetical order and matches the spelling words in our Spelling Time journals.

*Substitutions welcome- Does your child need a different level of math? Do you already own one or two of these journals?

You can substitute one or two journals if needed. Place your order and immediately e-mail us with your order number, the journal(s) you want to remove, and the journal(s) you want to substitute. The value of the substituted journals must be equal to or less than the value of the removed journals.



Suggested Lesson Plans


We suggest students complete the same number of pages per day as their age. For example, an 8-year-old would work on eight pages daily, and a 14-year-old would work on 14. One page is a single side of the paper.


Option 1-

○ First Semester: Math Mysteries

○ Second Semester: Smoothie Time

○ Year Round-

-Comfort & Joy Brain Games- 2-4 pages/day at least once a week

-Book of State Birds- 1-2 birds/week

-Bird Watching Journal- at your own pace

-World Tour: One letter per week.

-Co-Op journal: One project per week


An eight-year-old’s first semester might look like this:

○ M- 4 pages Math Mysteries, 1 page World Tour, 2 pages Co-Op, 1 page Comfort & Joy

○ T- 4 pages Math Mysteries, 1 page World Tour, 2 pages Co-Op, 2 pages Bird Watching

○ W- 4 pages Math Mysteries, 1 page World Tour, 3 pages Comfort & Joy

○ Th- 4 pages Math Mysteries, 1 page World Tour, 1 page Co-Op, 2 pages Comfort & Joy

○ F- 2 Pages Bird Watching, 1 page Co-Op, 5 pages of their choice


Option 2: Use one journal at a time. Each journal will last 6-12 weeks, depending on your child's age.


Our materials are flexible. There’s no wrong way to use them!

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