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PDF (8+) - All About Bugs - Homeschooling Handbook - 250 Activities

PDF (8+) - All About Bugs - Homeschooling Handbook - 250 Activities

This is a PDF to print at home. This is the PDF to print at home. To purchase the PAPERBACK and read reviews on Amazon

This Fun-Schooling Journal is an excellent tool for Fun-Schooling with students who love BUGS and need structure and guidance in learning.


This curriculum provides more instruction than our more open ended multi-subject Journals, This Handbook covers Language Arts, Science, Nature Study, Geography, Art & Drawing but does not cover as many subjects as other core jouranls, such as math and history. The student will study dozens and dozens of specific bugs from all over the world!


This Fun-Schooling handbook is all about BUGS and works well for ages 7-17. Bug lovers of all ages will not be disappointed! Keep reading to find out why. This book works great as a family unit study. Little kids can use it to, with help. "All About Bugs" is beautifully illustrated and will inspire your child to appreciate bug life on a deeper level.


For best results get some real bugs to study, it's easy to find bugs no matter where you live.


This Unit Study will last one or two semesters depending on how many pages you use each day. Just divide up the 250 pages how ever you wish, it doesn’t really matter how you do it. One or two pages a day. Ten pages per week. Three pages three times a week. You can't go wrong. Just have fun with it, okay? The main point is to make learning fun for your child so they don't hate schoolwork.


So if you have a child that is interested in something, BINGO, let them study, research, and explore that topic. If your child is obsessed with bugs, you are SO LUCKY, here's the Bug Book of your dreams, okay, maybe not your dreams, that would not be a good dream. I used to have dreams about giant cockroaches when I was a kid, over and over, totally bad dream. But for kids who REALLY love bugs you can relax, drink coffee, put your feet up, read a good book, and let your child Fun-School. I'm here for you.


I understand how hard it is to motive a bored child. Just stop with the boring schoolwork, throw it out. Burn it. Put it in a hole in the ground. Anything. Just get it out of your life. You no longer have to be in bondage to super boring homeschooling materials that no one cares about.


Just talk to any kid and you will learn that school is pretty much pointless when you have to learn a bunch of stuff that does not matter. Why should we force our kids to spend their precious years of childhood memorizing stuff you can easily look up on Google? Kids need skills, not just a bunch of short-term memory projects.


So why BUGS? Bugs are a gift from God to every child on earth. They are a lot like tiny robots that can move around and do stuff, and you don’t need batteries! Bugs are so interesting and should be an important part of every child’s experience with nature.


Think back on your own childhood, I just have five words that we can all relate to. Words that take you back to the carefree days of summer.

Firefly. Butterfly. Pill-bug. Ladybug. Cockroach.


These five simple words can take us back in time, a time with nothing else mattered more than digging a hole in the backyard, looking under a rock for roly-polies, or running around at sunset catching lightening bugs.


Bugs are where it’s at. That is why I have devoted a good part of this past year developing this inspiring Journal to lead you and your child into the world of bugs. This could honestly be the greatest investment into homeschooling your child that you could ever make.


Congratulations for realizing how important such a simple thing is in the mental development of your child.


And thank you for reading this whole description, I had fun writing it, I really put my heart into this, like I put my heart into all the Fun-Schooling Books.


Every book has meaning, purpose, joy, and a glory all its own. Fun-Schooling Journals are full of wonder and spark curiosity, and that’s why you need to make this book part of your child’s journey.


· Language Arts

· Science

· Nature Study

· Geography

· Art & Drawing

· Documentaries

· Research & Library Skills

· Audio Books

· Cursive Writing

· Copywork

· Reading & Spelling

· Creative Writing

· Logic Games

· Hidden Pictures


You may also be interested in our Rocks & Minerals Journal, All About Space, and the Nature Study Handbook!


Thinking Tree Learning Levels:

A1 = Pre Reader (Pre-K) ages 2-5

A2 = Beginning Readers (K-1st) ages 6-7

B1 = Early Elementary (2nd-3rd) ages 8-9

B2 = Upper Elementary (4th-6th) ages 10-11

C1 = Junior High (7th-8th) ages 12-14

C2 = High school + (9th-adult) ages 13+


Many Thinking Tree Journals span a wide variety of ages because the students use books at his/her reading level. For example, some journals may say for ages 7-17 because you customize it and meet the student where he’s at.

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