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PDF (Moms) A Proverb a Day - Devotional and Doodles - Therapeutic

PDF (Moms) A Proverb a Day - Devotional and Doodles - Therapeutic

This is the PDF to print at home. To purchase the PAPERBACK and read reviews on Amazon.


A Proverb a Day - Devotional and Doodles - Thirty-one Days: Letters from Nora - A Therapeutic Coloring Book & Devotional Journal for Women - (Print at Home - special permission to print copies for up to five friends for a group study).

Perfect for a relaxed women’s Bible Study group! An inspiring and comforting Devotional Journal for Christian Women 31 Letters from Nora Apple "God is a God of forgiveness, restoration, and love. We are never too far away that God will not draw us back. He longs to lead us, to draw His children, into a life of Joy. He longs for us to experience His love. " - Nora


Pour a cup of coffee and read the words of hope as you reflect on the Proverbs each day. Nora is a mother, and grandmother, who has been through darkness and now lives in the light! Warm up with Nora's words of inspiration, encouragement. Find hope and healing for a broken hearts. Color the soothing illustrations by Sarah Janisse Brown.




A proverb a day. Does it really work? I believe so. Sometimes those short daily “reminders” keep us jolted into the right direction. The Proverbs contain a mountain of common sense. I would not be surprised if the biblical Proverbs are the most quoted of all idioms. They get into your soul. Small quotes are easy to remember…and small candid quotes seasoned with God’s infinite wisdom have the power to guide us to better lives.


I once read an interview with Billy Graham who said he reads a Psalm a day to improve his vertical relationship, and a Proverb a day to improve his horizontal relationships. (Vertical meaning with God, horizontal meaning with Man) I’ve found his words to be true. Though simply reading the bible won’t fix all our problems, it has to be applied. We have no better source than God’s word to give us tools to cope with our everyday problems. As you begin each devotional, pray for the Lord to show you what he wants His spirit to speak into your life today.


I encourage you to begin your daily devotions by reading the chapter in Proverbs that correlates with the day in the devotional. The book is designed for interaction between God’s word, your creativity, and journaling. Grab a set of colored pencils or gel pens to work through your devotions. At the end of each devotional, feel free to journal your thoughts on what God is showing you in His word and how His wisdom can be applied to your life. My prayer is that you draw from His living water, not solely relying on this devotional or any other book written by man. Not only does His word speak truth, it speaks individually to each of us according to our unique situations.

Artwork by Sarah Janisse Brown


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