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8th Grade Dyslexic/ADHD Curriculum Bundle

SKU: TTTBundle8D

Designed for eighth graders who have signs of, or have been diagnosed with, dyslexia/ADHD.  These journals help students learn using a fun approach. We’ve included our Dyslexia Games curriculum program as a therapeutic intervention for dyslexic and struggling learners.  All of our materials use a dyslexia-friendly font and are designed with dyslexic students in mind, though any child can use them.  


Lessons are easy to plan and prepare.  Each day students will complete different learning activities within these journals.  They can work independently, in a small group, or as a full class. Our journals are easy to adapt to the individual needs of each student as well.  An entire school year of creative and interactive learning ready to go for your classroom.


Students with ASD, ADHD, and Processing Disorders may also use this bundle. 




  • 12 Subject Portfolio: Document learning in 12 core subjects all in one book.  Students can study independently or record information learned in class-wide projects and presentations.  This is the perfect portfolio to prepare students for more independent learning and note taking in high school. 


  • Heroes & Villains of History: Throughout history, the world has seen plenty of heroes and villains. Students love to learn about the “good guy” and the “bad guy.” In this journal, kids get to be the judge and decide who is the hero and who is the villain. Students will research over 30 different historical figures from throughout the world and the ages. For each person, students will learn about their accomplishments, family, life, beliefs, and more. After their research is over, they’ll decide if that person is a hero or a villain. 


  • Learn Any Foreign Language: This is a unique and creative approach to document foreign language learning. Students will research new words and phrases, then memorize and practice them in fun ways.


  • Pondering the Past: This book includes a short introduction to 30 classical stories with three pages of illustrations, copywork, learning prompts, and research activities for each story and author. Your students will cover literature and history in one book.


  • Dyslexia Games-Series C: A series of eight workbooks for teenagers and adults. Dyslexia Games-Series C is for struggling students, including teens and adults who need help with any of these challenges: 

    • ADHD, dyslexia, LD, OCD, Dyscalculia, or ASD.​ 

    • Messy handwriting. 

    • Weak concept of right and left. 

    • Distraction, focus, and concentration issues. 

    • Spelling problems. 

    • Problems memorizing math facts and spelling words. 

    • Trouble mastering the multiplication table. 

    • Uncomfortable with reading aloud. 

    • Letters, word, or number confusion. 

    • Concentration problems. 

    • Slow reading. 

    • Lack of interest in schoolwork. 

    • Have a high IQ but struggle with reading confusion.


  • Book of Useless Information, Book of Interesting Inventions, Book of Culture & Communities, Book of Scientific Discoveries: These books are designed to help students transition into research and writing projects. The students will use these blank book "templates" for their own writing and illustrations. Students take their work more seriously when they feel like they are creating something "real.”

  • Suggested Schedule

    Below is a suggested schedule for your classroom or homeschool. The page amounts listed under each title are the suggested number of pages to complete in a week.  We know each day will vary and some days you might get through more and others less. It’s meant to give flexibility while still completing the journal in an entire semester or school year.

    This is based on a typical 180-day/ 36-week long school year.  Adjust as needed if your school, or family, follows a different schedule.   We’ve also included a few tips and notes when needed. Students completing Dyslexia Games should work on 2-3 pages per day as the first thing they do in the morning. 

    12 Subject Portfolio

    • Students will use this throughout the year to document learning or to take notes during lectures and videos.
    • 1-10 pages per day

    Pondering the Past

    • 1-3 pages per day

    Heroes & Villains of History

    • Fill in as you go through the history period or complete 4-6 pages per week to finish the entire book in a school year.

    Learn Any Foreign Language

    • 5-7 pages per week
    • Complete daily for 15-30 minutes.  May be completed in small groups, as a class, or independently. 

    Book of Interesting Inventions,  Book of Culture & Communities, Book of Scientific Discoveries, Book of Useless Information

    • Students will use these to record notes, do research, or do an independent, in-depth study of the subject

    Dyslexia Games Series C

    • 3-5 pages per day starting with book 1, best first thing in the morning
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