About Us
Meet Sarah Janisse Brown

Fun-Schooling With Sarah
The Blog
A world traveling mom of ten unlocks her journal and opens the windows to a life full of adventure, love, risk, mystery and faith!
Lots of tips for Homeschooling, Dyslexia, Teens, Marriage and more...
Thinking Tree Books was founded by Sarah Janisse Brown in 2011. It began with Dyslexia Games and over the next few years blossomed into over 250 Homeschooling books in all subject areas called Fun-Schooling.
In 2009, when Josh and Sarah found out that their 8 year old daughter, Anna, had Dyslexia, they began their search for answers and solutions.
Sarah was amazed and puzzled by the way Anna, like most dyslexic children, could create detailed works of art and yet still struggle with simple reading tasks. Sarah was determined to find out why such brilliant kids couldn't learn to read.
She believed that the key to teaching them to read correctly was hidden somewhere in their brilliant and creative minds. Sarah began creating art and puzzle games to trick Anna into learning to read, and Dyslexia Games was invented. She is an adult now, and the author of His Story the Musical, which was performed in Dallas, Texas in 2023! She became a writer!
When Sarah discovered the key to correcting the symptoms of Dyslexia, she knew she had to share the discovery with the world. Now thousands of children around the globe now use Dyslexia Games with a 99% satisfaction rate. You see, Dyslexic kids would much rather learn through art and games than through phonics and sight words! Over time children with ADHD and high functioning Autism began to test the games...SUCCESS!
The Browns have 15 children (several adopted from Ukraine). They enjoy music, art, traveling and working with orphans in Eastern Europe, and currently reside in Indiana with the ten youngest children. The others are on their own now!

Joshua Brown, Sarah's husband, runs the business side of Thinking Tree Books. He often is the one returning phone calls, running the website, and anything else that needs to be done.
Josh was a flight instructor pilot before starting an in-home computer repair service in Indianapolis, IN called Need-A-Nerd? Computer Service. After selling that company in 2012 to focus on the new company of Thinking Tree Books, the Browns moved to Europe for the next 5 years.
Josh's biggest joy? He would say that it is to have a relationship with God and to walk with Him! 2nd would be his wife Sarah who, after 25 years of marriage, is still the love of his life!